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  As the housing market is currently in hibernation mode and we ride out the ongoing global pandemic, more residents are turning towards home renovations in Perth to improve the value and comfort of their property. For owner-occupiers, this time in isolation has reinforced the value of home improvements for accessibility, style and functionality. For …

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  It’s no secret that the ongoing challenges of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) have been felt from all corners of the globe, with a devastating impact on the human race, as well as our economy. Staying safe, keeping healthy and maintaining strong communication channels are all a priority for everyone at the moment, which is precisely …

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Do you currently live in a single storey home but are looking for something bigger? Maybe when you purchased your current home the budget could only stretch to cover one storey, so you downgraded from your dream home. Or perhaps you built your home with the hope of one day adding second storey addition to …

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If you're in the market for a new home or planning a renovation. Get in touch with us today!