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At Nexus Homes Group, we’re constantly helping Perth homeowners with their project enquiries. One of the most common questions we receive is ‘how much does a house extension cost?’. This question is impossible to answer without any context. As a result, we’ve created this article to clear a few things up and help you more …

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Since the onset of the pandemic, Australian homeowners have spent more per year on renovations and extensions than any previous year – over $12 billion last year alone! (ABC) As renovations and home extensions in Perth grow in popularity, many homeowners are following this trend without conducting sufficient prior research. The result? They make an …

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When it comes to undertaking a Perth home renovation, there’s no better place to start than Nexus Homes Group, the local experts in home improvements. There are a number of motives that may lead to a renovation, including: creating space to accommodate a larger family, introducing a new style for aesthetic or functional purposes, and/or …

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If you’ve been watching the local property market news, you will have noticed a notable surge in house renovations throughout Perth over the last couple of years, and this can be linked to a variety of reasons. Not only are house renovations an effective way to improve the comfort and functionality of your existing home, …

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Whether it’s a growing family or simply a desire for more space, Perth households are increasingly turning to second storey extensions to transform their home. Expanding your existing home by adding a modular second storey extension is a hassle-free and efficient option for homeowners wishing to avoid the lengthy and disruptive process of traditional builds. …

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It is common for Perth families to consider buying larger homes as their family grows, but another option that has become increasingly popular Australia-wide is to upsize your existing property with prefabricated modular extensions. Whilst a less commonly known building technique, homeowners are seeing the value in upgrading their existing dwelling with modular extensions, and …

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  As the housing market is currently in hibernation mode and we ride out the ongoing global pandemic, more residents are turning towards home renovations in Perth to improve the value and comfort of their property. For owner-occupiers, this time in isolation has reinforced the value of home improvements for accessibility, style and functionality. For …

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  It’s no secret that the ongoing challenges of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) have been felt from all corners of the globe, with a devastating impact on the human race, as well as our economy. Staying safe, keeping healthy and maintaining strong communication channels are all a priority for everyone at the moment, which is precisely …

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As mentioned in one of our previous blogs, the Australian property sector accounts for roughly 25% of our nation’s greenhouse gas emissions, so when it comes to building smarter, we champion the cause. We are all about finding new ways to introduce innovation, efficiency and quality into our builds, and one of the ways we …

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The mark of any good home is not just that it is beautiful, but that it is liveable as well. You want to create a space that is pleasing and workable by seamlessly merging the pre-existing architecture of a home with any new addition. Our team at Nexus have over twenty years’ building experience of …

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If you're in the market for a new home or planning a renovation. Get in touch with us today!